Onyia NE, Osagie E, Akhigbe P, Idemudia NL, Obuekwe O, Omoigberale A, Richards VP, Coker MO (2024) Impact of perinatal HIV exposure and infection on salivary properties among Nigerian children. BMC Oral Health (In press). [DOI]
Mann AE, Chakraborty B, O’Connell LM, Nascimento MM, Burne RA, Coker MO, Richards VP (2024) Heterogeneous lineage-specific arginine deiminase expression within dental microbiome species. Microbiology Spectrum. [DOI]
O’Connell LM, Mann AE, Osagie E, Akhigbe P, Blouin T, Soule A, Obuekwe O, Omoigberale A, Burne RA, Coker MO, Richards VP (2023) Supragingival mycobiome of HIV-exposed-but-uninfected children reflects a stronger correlation with caries-free associated taxa compared to HIV-infected or uninfected children. Microbiology Spectrum. [DOI]
Mann AE, O'Connell LM, Osagie E, Akhigbe P, Obuekwe O, Omoigberale A, Kelly C, Coker MO, and Richards VP (2023) The impact of HIV on the oral microbiome of children living in Sub-Saharan Africa using a rpoC gene-fragment metataxonomic approach. Microbiology Spectrum. [DOI]
Onyia NE, Akhigbe P, Osagie E, Obuekwe O, Omoigberale A, Richards VP, Coker MO (2023) Prevalence and associated factors of developmental defects of enamel among Nigerian children with HIV exposure. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. [DOI]
Akhigbe P, Chukwumah NM, Adebiyi R, Folayan MO, Divaris K, Obuekwe O, Omoigberale A, Jedy-Agba E, Kim M, Charurat M, Richards VP, Coker MO (2022) Age-specific associations with dental caries in HIV-infected, exposed but uninfected and HIV-unexposed uninfected children in Nigeria. BMC Oral Health, 22(1):429 [DOI]
O’Connell LM, Blouin T, Soule A, Burne RA, Nascimento MM, Richards VP (2022) Optimization and evaluation of the 30S-S11 rDNA gene for taxonomic profiling of oral streptococci. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. [PDF] Hassler HB, Probert B, Moore C, Lawson E, Jackson RW, Russell BT, Richards VP (2022) Phylogenies of the 16S rRNA gene and its hypervariable regions lack concordance with core genome phylogenies. Microbiome. [DOI]
Rathbone T, Ates I, Fernando L, Addlestone E, Lee CM, Richards VP, Cottle RN (2022) Electroporation-mediated delivery of cas9 ribonucleoproteins results in high levels of gene editing in primary hepatocytes. The CRISPR Journal. [DOI]
Coker MO, Akhigbe P, Osagie E, Idemudia NL, Igedegbe O, Chukwumah N, Adebiyi R, Mann AE, O’Connell LM, Obuekwe O, Omoigberale A, Charurat M, Richards VP (2021) Dental caries and its association with the oral microbiomes and HIV in young children – Nigeria (DOMHaIN): a cohort study. BMC Oral Health 21, 620. [DOI]
Richards VP, Nigsch A, Pavinski Bitar P, Sun Q, Stuber T, Ceres K, Robbe Austerman S, Schukken Y, Grohn YT, and Stanhope MJ (2021) Evolutionary genomic and bacteria GWAS analysis of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis and dairy cattle Johne’s disease phenotypes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. [PDF] Ma X, Agudelo P, Richards VP, Baeza AJ (2020) The complete mitochondrial genome of the Columbia lance nematode, Hoplolaimus columbus, a major agricultural pathogen in North America. Parasites & Vectors, 13:321. [DOI] Cushman LJ, Richards VP, McMillan PD (2020) Micranthes petiolaris variety shealyi: A New Variety of Micranthes (Section Stellares, Saxifragaceae) from South Carolina. Phytotaxa, 452:2 O'Connell LM, Santos R, Springer G, Burne RA, Nascimento MM, Richards VP (2020) Site-specific profiling of the dental mycobiome reveals strong taxonomic shifts during progression of early childhood caries. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 18;86(7). [PDF] Richards VP, Velsko IM, Alam TM, Zadoks RN, Manning SD, Pavinski Bitar PD, Hassler HB, Crestani C, Springer G, Probert B, Town CD, Stanhope MJ (2019) Population gene introgression and high genome plasticity for the zoonotic pathogen Streptococcus agalactiae. Molecular Biology and Evolution. [DOI] Nascimento MM, Alvarez AJ, Huang X, Browngardt C, Jenkins R, Sinhoreti MC, Ribeiro APD, Dilbone DA, Richards VP, Garrett TJ, Burne RA (2019) Metabolic profile of supragingival plaque exposed to arginine and fluoride. Journal of Dental Research. [DOI] Kaspar J, Godwin M, Velsko IM, Richards VP, Burne RA (2019) Spontaneously arising Streptococcus mutans variants with reduced susceptibility to chlorhexidine display genetic defects and diminished fitness. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. [DOI] Velsko IM, Perez MS, Richards VP (2019) Resolving phylogenetic relationships for Streptococcus mitis and Streptococcus oralis, through core and pan genome analyses. Genome Biology and Evolution. [DOI] Nascimento MM, Alvarez AJ, Huang X, Hanway S, Perry S, Luce A, Richards VP, Burne RA (2019). Arginine metabolism in supragingival oral biofilms as a predictor of caries risk. JDR Clinical & Translational Research. [DOI] Marra NJ, Stanhope MJ, Jue N, Wang M, Sun Q, Pavinski Bitar P, Richards VP, Komissarov A, Rayko M, Kliver S, Stanhope BJ, Winkler C, O’Brien SJ, Antunes A, Jorgensen S, Shivji MS (2019) White shark genome: ancient elasmobranch adaptations addressing genome stability. PNAS 201819778. [DOI] Velsko IM, Chakraborty B, Nascimento M, Burne RA, Richards VP (2018) Species designations belie phenotypic and genotypic heterogeneity in oral Streptococci. mSystems, 3 (6) e00158-18; doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00158-18 [PDF] Abranches J, Zeng L, Kajfasz JK, Palmer SR, Chakraborty B, Wen ZT, Richards VP, Burne, RA, Brady LJ, Lemos JA. Biology of oral Streptococci (2018). Microbiol Spectrum 6(5). [DOI] Richards VP, DeBiasse M, Shivji MS (2018) Deep mitochondrial lineage divergence among populations of the southern stingray (Hypanus americana) throughout the Southeastern United States and Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity. [DOI] Bernard AM, Richards VP, Stanhope MJ, Shivji MS (2018) Transcriptome derived simple sequence repeats confirm the genetic isolation of Northeast Pacific white sharks. Journal of Heredity, 109, 771 – 779. [DOI] Chen Y, Hammer EE, Richards VP. (2018) Phylogenetic signature of lateral exchange of genes for antibiotic production and resistance among bacteria highlights a pattern of global transmission of pathogens between humans and livestock. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 125, 255-264. [PDF] He J, Kim D, Zhou X, Ahn S, Burne R, Richards VP, Koo H. (2017). RNA-seq reveals transcriptomic changes of Streptococcus mutans co-culturing with Candida albicans within mixed-species biofilms. Frontiers in Microbiology. [DOI]
Richards VP, Alvarez AJ, Luce A, Perry S, Bedenbaugh M, Mitchell M, Hong H, Shaddox LM, Burne RA, Nascimento MM. (2017). Microbiomes of site-specific dental plaque of children with different caries status. Infection and Immunity. [PDF] Marra NJ, Richards VP, Early A, Bogdanowicz SM, Pavinski Bitar P, Stanhope MJ, Shivji MS. (2017) Comparative transcriptomics of elasmobranchs and teleosts highlight important processes in adaptive immunity and regional endothermy. BMC Genomics, 18-87. [DOI] Jacob A, O'Brien Andersen L, Pavinski Bitar P, Richards VP, Shah S, Stanhope MJ, Stensvold R, Clark G (2016). Blastocystis mitochondrial genomes appear to show multiple independent gains and losses of start and stop codons. Genome Biology and Evolution, 8, 3340-3350. [DOI] Palmer A, Painter J, Hassler HB, Richards VP, Bruce T, Morrison S, Brown E, Kozak NA, Lucas C, McNealy TL. (2016) Legionella clemsonensis sp. nov., - a green fluorescing Legionella strain from a patient with pneumonia. 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Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634